"Truth is powerful and it prevails."
- Sojourner Truth
Sojourner, Sib, I just don’t know.
When the truth has been twisted and contorted to suit the needs of power and greed for so long it is imperative that we as Afrikan bodies speak truth to history.
Whose truths permeate your body of water and how does it lend itself to the narrative dominant culture?
If words are spells and groups of words make up stories that become histories, then the possession of entire generations for power must also be understood when it comes to the people of paper.
Slavery never ended it was transformed, the chains no longer physical, but then again the physical chains have not dissolved either.
We have the trafficking of femme bodies, the majority of whom are Black and brown. The prison industrial complex is the slavery industrial complex. I could go on.
Tell me you wanna uphold these systems of oppression and power without telling me you want to uphold them.
Jim Crow Laws also aint neva gone away just because they aint on the books doesn’t mean they aren’t still enforced.
Lowest hanging, strange fruit
the salon industry.
We reinforce Jim Crow laws culturally without the need for physical laws on books.
Which since the beginning of time has played the duplicitous trope that hair is hair, except yt folx do yt folx hair and Afrikan folx do Afro hair.
The only reason the salon industry cares about Afro hair is so it can profit off of your body and the first person they learned that from
was Madame CJ Walker.
We still rely on Black body as commodity. Oh wow and we are back at slavery too.
Lynching also transformed and then maybe not, ya’ll clearly ain’t been to the deep south and just cause it ain’t front page news doesn’t meant it isn’t still happening.
But wait, It is front page news, however. “ I can’t breathe”, Ryan Gainer, Sonya Massey, Breonna Taylor on and on and on. All public lynchings that this place abides and stands by. cops are the backwards evolution of overseers.
Jame Byrd Jr. 1998 dragged behind a pick up truck. East Texas. Ill stop here.
Only 14 years of fighting for something that is still ongoing and was the plan even while they we were given the false equity of civil rights.
That should place things in perspective. 14 years to undo hundreds of years hundred of years of methodical oppression. Especially when time has been a tool of their discretion.
Their history is a lie that we reinforce, continuing their reign of power, the moment we stand on performative posts that are hollow it signals to the dominant culture that business continues as usual.
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