to burn in so as to restore your commodified shine
fire + ancestors + spirit
burn out
the reduction of a fuel or substance to nothing through use or combustion.
the failure of an electrical device or component through overheating.
I sing the body electric
electric earth unplugged
fuse rerouted to
new fire
ancient original routes restored
Mercurial - highly vaporous, highest volatility
evolved to shine, heat withstanding. vacillates between spirit and ancestor.
misinterpretation of sun/fire
colonial wildfire - neverending, never enough, must constantly be inserted in to, gaping hole leaking sacred watas
indigenous wild fire - fire contained, fire magic, womb fire, bound by water, must engage other elements, never alone. entire solar system needed for balance. whole, sacred watas abound, healing.
another’s brightness to be claimed
consumed, stamped out
your shine is mine
harnessing of power
how does a star become a Black star?
mercury messenger of gods
god = sun
aries, leo, sagittarius
inner knowing = shine
misinterpreted as too high ego
my inner knowing bastardized by colonial wildfire
raping of sun
stolen sun = Afrika = Black Body = charged
burn out = theft of charge, stolen electricity
indigenous fire ≠ sexual desire
yt perversion on Afrikan body
water within move the water without
indigenous wild fire
water without burn water within
colonial wildfire