We haven’t been building the world that we need to see.
We have been building the world that we want and those are two different things.
Or better yet we have built the world that we have been programmed to want.
That world is very much crafted from the imagination of vanilla ice thrice.
One that is palatable and comfortable, one where the only options are this or that. Where people fit into neat little boxes, with no space for flow and (trans)formation.
What we are experiencing is only possible within the realm of colonialism and capitalism.
That is the actually pipe dream. There is no American Dream, it has always been a lie wrapped in pretty paper that only protects the interests of a few.
We say things like “how we plan to build a coalition on the other side,” which is about engaging the world outside of the binary and either or thinking.
Which means we have to be unafraid of one another and all we currently know is fear.
transphobia = trans fear
fatphobia = fat fear
We have all these phobias created by yt isms.
The world in the other side of this, is a Trans world.
Ya’ll ain’t connecting the dots because the binary has a hold that won’t let loose.
It is the foundation of what it actually means to be Trans.
But we aren’t recognizing that. Instead we are caught up in this performance with the hope that they will then relinquish power and share a lil bit.
We have cliqued up and separated ourselves with those damn colonial lines, all because it’s our turn.
Which means we do to ourselves, what they did to us first.
It’s curtain call, we look out to an audience, hoping they are inspired to action, and yet the seats are empty. Crickets.
Folx got their perfomative fill, and you will be expected to play that same role over, and over again.
When do we say enough is enough?
Listening to: Transa Selects
Tastes Like: Baked Alaska (directly from this randy’s food thread)
Smells Like: Teen Spirit
Touching: Alien Grass
Thinking: Everyone needs a deeper understanding on non-binary in order to get to the other side of Trans World. If not we continue flipping within the binary, when there is a third option outside of.
p.s. the k(news)letter is changing format and will relaunch in November.
sign up at Bespokecurry
find my writing at Mwili Kisiasa
Thank you for putting these words down! Hoping that powers that be will relinquish said power is foolish, but hard to shake off. But it’s all the more reason to continue delving into learning more about ancestors and reaching out to others. 🥰
"We have cliqued up and separated ourselves with those damn colonial lines, all because it’s our turn." this line is incredibly powerful and stated with such precision and incisiveness, sweet sib. so much for us to think about, untether from, so many gestalt shifts and generative deaths/rebirths we need to experience. thank you for your words!